

here's what I'm doing now and what I've done recently:

Executive Director
Amplify Her


AUGUST 2018 - present

  • Develop and execute strategy to promote endorsed candidates and elect more progressive women to office in New York City.

Graduate Consultant
The Clinton Foundation

SIPA Capstone Project


Jan. 2018 - May 2018

  • Implement a research project to evaluate the impact of place-based economic development in rural America.
  • Led research process in McDowell County, West Virginia; facilitated interviews with local elected officials, business owners, community leaders, and other high-profile partners, including: the American Federation of Teachers and AT&T. 
  • Develop recommendations to implement economic development projects in other similar locations.

Director of Communictions
Marti Speranza for
City Council


Jan. 2017 - Sept. 2017

  • Designed and implemented a communication strategy for a highly competitive city council campaign.
  • Wrote speeches, talking points, social media content; created & maintained correspondence system for candidate. Corresponded with more than 400 constituents through high-quality, personalized letters and emails.
  • Led a team of 30+ interns to implement communications strategy and conduct outreach with the community.